Short film
Directed by Anastasia Delmark & David Solomini
Directed by David Solomini & Anastasia Lebedeva
A young military man rejects the soldier’s life and embraces the unknown.
Somewhere in the wilds of the American Southwest, a US marine leaves behind a life of regimen and conformity in order to become his true, three-dimensional self. This fictionalised portrait from artists and directors David Solomini and Anastasia Lebedeva capture the emotional journeys we make when embarking on a mission of self discovery.
“In our current reality, not being is not living”
Speaking about their allusive and resonant film, the filmmakers explain: “We were inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet first and foremost. Pairing that historical drama with the urgency of our current reality means that ‘not being is not living.’ Like Hamlet, the tragic prince, we must pursue the need to be.”
Speaking about their allusive and resonant film, the filmmakers explain: “We were inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet first and foremost. Pairing that historical drama with the urgency of our current reality means that ‘not being is not living.’ Like Hamlet, the tragic prince, we must pursue the need to be.”